Diverse toxicological manifestations due to different spectra of fungal toxins in two mycotoxicoses caused by Aspergillus spp. in Israel


  • Alan Shlosberg Kimron Veterinary Institute. Bet Dagan, Israel
  • Vera Handji Kimron Veterinary Institute. Bet Dagan, Israel
  • Shimon Barel Kimron Veterinary Institute. Bet Dagan, Israel




Aspergillus clavatus mycotoxicosis, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, Mycotoxicoses, ochratoxicosis


This hypothesis is illustrated by 2 Aspergillus mycotoxicoses recorded in Israel. The
lethal neurotoxic syndrome caused by A. clavatus toxins in sheep in Israel had different
characterizations from toxicoses in England, South Africa and Australia, with quite dissimilar
manifestations between the reported cases. Ochratoxin is a characteristic nephrotoxin,
whereas an ochratoxin-induced toxicosis in poultry in Israel was manifested in affected geese
by severe hepatotoxicity with only mild kidney damage, whereas broilers in the same
incident showed severe ascites, hepatotoxicity and no kidney lesions. These findings may be
explained by the finding of others that isolates of A. ochraceus produced ochratoxin and
caused mortality, whereas 2 other strains did not produce ochratoxin, and yet still caused
mortality, characterized by hepatopathy and ascites. Considering these facts, clinical
toxicologists may therefore find diagnosis of mycotoxicoses to be fraught with difficulty, due
to the uncertainty of basing clinical manifestations on “typical” previously reported cases.


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How to Cite

Shlosberg, A., Handji, V., & Barel, S. (2016). Diverse toxicological manifestations due to different spectra of fungal toxins in two mycotoxicoses caused by Aspergillus spp. in Israel. Scientia Fungorum, 3(19), 87–94. https://doi.org/10.33885/sf.2004.3.929
