Correlation of the pathogenicity of Candida between newborn and their mothers with vaginitis


  • Rubén López-Martínez Laboratorio de Micología Médica, Departamento de Ecología Humana, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. México, D.F., México
  • Ernesto Vértiz-Chávez Laboratorio de Micología Médica, Departamento de Ecología Humana, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. México, D.F., México



In order to detect the frequency of Candida, 100 pregnant women and their ne.wborn
babies were studied. 71 % of pregnant women presented vaginitis, of which only 32 had
Candida, but in almost every cases candidosis symptomatology was present. In this
groups, the principal oportunistic factors were: malnutrition, bad hygiene habits,
antibiotic therapy and diabetes mellitus. Furthermore, all the newborn babies from
mothers with candidal vaginitis, were colonized from Ist. day by Candida yeasts, presenting
the following clinical forms: diaper rash, conjunctival and oral candidosis. The
principal species found were: Candida albicans (59.3%), C. stellatoidea (18.8%) y C.
tnpicalis (15.7%). The risk if infection by newborn babies from pregnant women with
vaginal candidosis is discussed.


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How to Cite

López-Martínez, R., & Vértiz-Chávez, E. (2016). Correlation of the pathogenicity of Candida between newborn and their mothers with vaginitis. Scientia Fungorum, 2(17), 9–14.



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